Phytase Enymes - Sourdough Champs!

Explore the role of phytase enzymes in sourdough fermentation and learn how they combat the antinutrient phytic acid, enhancing the absorption of essential minerals. Discover how sourdough bread isn't just delicious, but also a nutrient-rich food choice that boosts your mineral intake.


5/26/20231 min read

Phytase Enzymes - Sourdough

Let's dive deeper into how phytic acid can interfere with nutrient absorption and how natural fermentation, like in sourdough bread, can help counteract this.

Phytic acid is an antinutrient found in grains, nuts, and legumes. Antinutrients are compounds that can interfere with the absorption of certain nutrients in the body. In the case of phytic acid, it can bind to minerals like iron, zinc, and calcium in our food, making them less available for absorption in the digestive system. This can lead to mineral deficiencies over time, which can have serious consequences for our health.

However, when we use natural fermentation in bread making, like in sourdough bread, the phytase enzymes produced during the process can break down the phytic acid in the flour. This means that the minerals that were once bound up by the phytic acid become more available for our bodies to absorb. So, by consuming fermented bread, we can actually increase our absorption of important minerals like iron and zinc.

It's important to note that not all breads made with natural fermentation will have the same amount of phytase enzymes or will be fermented for the same amount of time, which can impact the amount of phytic acid breakdown. That being said, fermented bread, like sourdough, can be an excellent source of nutrients and offer numerous health benefits beyond just satisfying our taste buds.